What is Clinical Research?
Clinical research is a component of medical and health research that determines the safety and effectiveness of diagnostic products and treatments. It is an essential aspect of healthcare since it ensures that medications and treatments are safe before being made available. There are two types of clinical research Falls Church including observational studies and clinical trials.
Observational studies
Observational studies focus on gathering information by observing people in standard settings. Data collection may be through tests, medical exams, or questionnaires. For example, researchers may collect data about a group of older adults to understand how different lifestyles impact cognitive health. The information may help identify new possibilities for clinical trials.
Clinical trials
These research studies are performed on people to test various medical, surgical, and behavioral interventions. Researchers use clinical trials to establish new treatment’s safety and effectiveness, such as a drug or medical device. It is also the primary way to know if a new treatment has less harmful side effects than the standard treatment. Clinical trials also test methods to detect disease before symptoms are present or try ways to prevent a health problem. Clinical trials may also intervene in ways to improve people’s quality of life with chronic health problems or life-threatening diseases.
Who participates in clinical trials?
If you find a study that you might want to join, you may need a screening appointment before you qualify to participate. A screening appointment also allows you to ask questions about the study. Screening may involve physical and cognitive tests to determine factors that would exclude you from the trial. For example, you may not be eligible for a clinical trial if you are under medications that could interfere with the tested treatment.
The clinical staff also checks your age, genetic profile, sex, family history, and stage of the disease to determine your eligibility for participation. You can only participate in one trial at a time, and each study has different criteria. Therefore, exclusion from one trial does not mean exclusion from the rest.
Remember to inform your doctor if you are thinking about joining a clinical trial. Your doctor may want to talk to the research team to ensure the study is safe for you and coordinate your care while at it.
Why do people participate in clinical trials?
People join clinical trials for different reasons; some because previous treatments have not been effective for their health problems, and others because their health condition has no remedy. However, sometimes healthy people participate in clinical trials when they want to help find ways to prevent disease, such as one prevalent in their family.
Many people perceive participating in a clinical trial to play an active role in their health care. Others want to help learn more about specific health problems. The motivation behind clinical trial participation differs from person to person, but participating in a clinical trial is a worthy cause regardless of the reason. Your contribution to clinical trials can help future generations lead healthier lives.
If you want to become a partner in scientific discovery, consult your provider at Integrated Neurology Services to know if you can participate in a clinical trial.