Common Reasons for Tooth Decay and Treatments

Tooth decay or cavities are permanently damaged parts of the teeth that develop into tiny holes or openings. They are a widely common health issue in the world. People of all ages can develop cavities if they do not maintain good dental hygiene. Untreated cavities become larger holes and affect the teeth’ deeper layers. Wichita Falls dental practice provides you with the right treatment for tooth decay.

It is essential to get proper treatment as they can cause severe toothaches, infections, and even loss of teeth. There are several reasons for it:

  1. Consumption of too many sugary and starchy foods

If your daily food intake involves too many items rich in sugar and starch, you are at risk of developing cavities. Food items like bread, crackers, cake, cookies, candies, chips, or beverages like soda, energy drinks, coffee, and black tea, contribute a lot to tooth decay. Consuming them in moderation and monitoring your food intake are advised.

  1. Plaque buildup

The acid present in plaque causes erosion of the tooth enamel, which further leads to the weakening of the teeth’s protective layer. This increases the risk of tooth decay.

  1. Poor dental hygiene

Not brushing your teeth frequently or irregularly flossing can worsen your oral health and cause tooth decay. Prioritizing dental hygiene is a must for preventing it.

  1. Irregular dental visits

Putting off visits to the dentist can cause a lot of harm, as regular checkups help with plaque and tartar removal as well as the recognition of tooth decay signs. Tooth decay, despite its severity, can be treated with professional care. Its treatment depends on how much it has developed. Your doctor will help you in finding the proper treatment method.

  1. Fluoride treatment

The cavity can be cured with fluoride treatment if it is in its initial stage. This involves using toothpaste and mouthwashes rich in fluoride as well as consuming water with fluoride present in it.

  1. Cavity fillings

The process can help stop further decay by filling the cavity holes with composite resin, gold, or porcelain fillings. This procedure does not take much time and helps with cavity prevention.

  1. Tooth extraction

Tooth extractions are the best option when the tooth is so damaged that it is beyond the restoration stage. This involves the complete removal of the tooth. A dental implant generally follows it to compensate for teeth loss.

  1. Improved dental hygiene

Medical procedures are a helpful solution for cavity treatment, but it is not feasible without personal improvement of oral hygiene. Maintaining a curated dental regimen and regular brushing and flossing can do wonders for your teeth.

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