5 Monthly Hormonal Disorders and Natural Ways to Balance Them
Do you deal with mood changes, foolish lusts and irrational bouts of crying? Yes, you know very well about what we’re talking. You’ll find the scientific explanation, how hormones influence you every month. If once a month you turn into a crazy person and you eat cake and chocolate at 2.00 in the morning, guess what’s the conclusion? You’re perfectly normal.
Reproductive hormones “bounce” from side to side and can influence your menstruation, fertility and libido – but besides all the obvious things, hormones influence your mental state, the cycle of sleep and appetite. Use this quick guide with advice from specialists to keep everything normal.
1. Estrogen
Estradiol, the most potent type of estrogen, prepares the uterus for conception. Stable levels of estradiol may stimulate sexual appetite and immunity.
Major Impacts: Estrogen sends “growth” signals to every cell in your body, from breast to your bones. But too much estrogen can cause severe premenstrual syndrome, can lead to fertility problems, even breast cancer. Too little estrogen can lead to osteoporosis.
Balancing Action: When you’re too thin (you have a very small waist), this can prevent the production, while adipocytes (fat) in excess can cause a type of estrogen that can influence negative the estradiol. The key is maintaining an optimal, healthy weight. Try to have a body mass index between 18.5 and 30.
2. Progesterone
It creates a comfortable uterine lining every month. No conception? The level of this hormone decreases, triggering your menstruation.
Major Impacts: Progesterone has a mild sedative effect that can lead to sleep. Also, this hormone may increase water retention, bloating and constipation.
Balancing Action: Since this hormone is essential for baby conceiving, many women who want to become mothers resort to all kinds products. But experts advise you not to mess with progesterone.
3. Testosterone
Not useful for men only; this androgen hormone regulates ovulation and help contribute to a consistent libido.
Major Impacts: excessive levels of testosterone can cause acne, or can cause dark hair in abnormal places. Low testosterone levels can spoil your mood and can affect your overall feeling of wellbeing.
Balancing Action: Excess testosterone was closely tied to obesity, so try to have a body mass index within the normal range. If you have low levels of testosterone in the body, eat zinc-rich foods such as hummus, which can increase levels. Thus, you have more energy.
4. Gastrin
This hormone helps you digestion process. It tells your body to produce gastric acid.
Major Impact: Before each meal sends signals to release the gastric acid and help your stomach to digest. An inappropriate level can lead to digestive disorders.
Balancing Action: For a proper digestion you should take a probiotic pill. If you can take such a pill incorporate it in your foods.
5. Cortisol
It is known as the “stress hormone” because it is released during stressful periods. It can lead to high anxiety, difficulties with sleep, increased weight gain, depression, and high blood pressure.
Balancing Action: To maintain a balanced level you have to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night. You should also do 30-60 minutes of exercise per day to release endorphins which combat anxiety and depression.