It is not easy taking care of a newborn, more so for first-time mothers. Although the experience can be magical, most mothers feel overwhelmed at the end of the day because a newborn requires maximum attention due to its delicate nature. Newborns cannot do anything on their own; they are entirely dependent on their caregivers to give them the support they need to survive. Argyle newborn care includes vaccinations and examinations provided by your reliable specialists and what you do at home to ensure your baby remains healthy and safe.
The first time you arrive home with a newborn is terrifying, primarily since you have not yet understood its needs or schedules. There is a lot of information on the internet about what caregivers should do to provide optimal newborn care. However, it is essential to source correct advice to ensure that your baby is happy. Some of the things to do as a caregiver include:
· Ensure you feed your baby frequently.
The best food for babies under six months is breast milk. Mothers start receiving breast milk about three days after childbirth. A newborn must suckle on the breasts immediately after birth to consume the initial yellow and thick milk known as colostrum, which has plenty of nutrients.
The biggest challenge when breastfeeding a newborn is ensuring that they latch correctly. If your newborn has problems latching, consult a specialist to help get your baby to feed correctly. There are circumstances where a baby cannot breastfeed and has to survive on baby formula- regardless, ensure that you feed your baby every three hours to help your baby gain weight.
· Start a bedtime routine early.
Your baby needs to get into a sleep routine as soon as they get home. The safest sleep position for infants is on their backs. Newborns that sleep on their backs or stomachs are at a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome. If you want to get maximum rest, it would be best to sleep when your baby sleeps. You should be ready for sleep disruptions at night because your baby will need to feed. If your baby fusses at night and is not hungry or soiled, do not worry. Instead, let them be to see if they can fall asleep independently.
· Clean your baby
Find a safe way to clean your baby. Although your baby needs to be clean, you do not have to bathe him a lot. Spot cleaning is an efficient way to ensure your baby remains clean without necessarily washing them and risk causing dry skin or eczema. You should give your baby sponge baths until their umbilical cord falls. Afterwards, you may bathe your baby in a bathtub or basin. You should apply baby oil or petroleum jelly to your baby’s skin after their bath to keep their skin smooth and prevent dryness.
Your baby needs many other things like establishing an emotional connection with their mother. It will help if you bond with your newborns when they are awake by playing games and singing songs to them.
Contact Argyle Pediatrics to learn how to take care of your newborn.