The ankle allows foot movement, and this functionality becomes affected if a person experiences an ankle sprain or strain. A sprain occurs due to the ligaments connecting the different bones in the ankle region becoming overstretched or torn. On the other hand, a strain occurs after the muscles in the ankle region are overstretched. Whether an ankle sprain or a strain, movement becomes limited because of the resulting pain and discomfort. However, the specialists treating ankle sprains and strains New York ensure that they reduce the downtime brought about by the ankle strain and sprain.
How a Sprain Occurs
Most people experience a pop-like sound of the joint if they twist or rollover their foot. The sprain restricts the movement of the joint, and the person can experience stiffness and numbness. Besides, the sprain causes the person to experience pain and can hardly walk because the ankle cannot support the weight.
How Do Strains Occur?
A person twists or rolls over their foot, and the ankle becomes affected. A person experiences muscle cramps. A strain is milder, and if appropriately managed at home, the pain goes away. However, it can be severe in some instances and require the person to seek medical assistance. For example, if someone experiences bleeding, inability to move the leg, numbness, and inability to walk, they should visit a health facility.
Treatment Options for a Strain or Sprain
· Rest
If the injury is mild, doctors recommend that a person does rest to prevent instances of using the joint. Rest will reduce the chance of the person getting another sprain before healing. More so, rest ensures the swelling goes down. A person should rest until the ankle can support their weight comfortably.
· Taping the ankle or wearing a brace
The tape and the brace help secure the joint to avoid further overstretching of the ligaments. Besides, minimizing movement of the joint allows the joint to heal and manage inflammation.
· Compression
When the person experiences swelling of the joint, they can use cold compression where they place ice for some time. After the swelling subsides, they can apply warm compression.
· Elevate the foot
Elevation helps reduce inflammation by ensuring that fluid does not accumulate in the affected joint. Placing the foot propped also eases the pain and ensures that the person can get sleep.
Complete healing
A person who has experienced an ankle sprain or a strain can return to their daily routine after they ascertain that the ankle area has stopped swelling and are no longer in pain. Further, if the person finds that they can take the steps without limping or needing the support of a clutch, it is a sign that healing has occurred. Besides, the functioning of the ankle becomes evident if the person can perform a wide range of motions with the affected foot. Additionally, the doctor managing the ankle sprain or strain will certify that the person is healed and can undertake their usual routines.
Where Ankle problems are solved
Specialists at the Precision Footcare Center give personalized treatment procedures for sprained or strained ankles. They review the patient and, where necessary, use an x-ray to evaluate the nature of the injury. The customized interventions ensure that the person is back to their usual schedule within the shortest period possible.