5 Tips to Help You Get Better Sleep During Pregnancy

It might feel difficult to get a decent night’s sleep while pregnant. As your pregnancy grows, your belly will become bigger, your baby’s movements will become stronger, and you will feel the need to pee every twenty minutes. That means you spend a lot of time awake at night and not get enough rest. Fortunately, with Women’s Care Trinity you can navigate all aspects of your pregnancy and help you learn how to sleep comfortably.

Here are tips to help you sleep better during pregnancy;

1.      Have a clear head before going to bed

Stress and worry are significant deterrents to getting a decent night’s rest. It is essential to keep in mind that fretting will not assist you, but speaking about your issues can. If there are situations in your life that make you worry or feel unhappy, find a friend or an expert who can listen and help you.

Another method is to have a diary on the night table to offload any anxieties before bed. Unresolved stress causes a lot of sleeplessness in pregnant women, especially when it comes to concerns about the baby (birth, how you will be as a mother, managing work and family, and so on).

2.      Make a new nighttime regimen for yourself

If you develop a consistent, relaxing, and pleasant nightly routine, you will be able to relax and fall asleep quickly. Try a few of these comfortable practices as sleep approaches to see if one binds:

  • Drink a warm cup of milk with honey or a cup of caffeine-free tea.
  • Read a chapter of a book you enjoy.
  • Shower in a warm water
  • Get a shoulder massage, or get your hair brushed softly.

3.      Stay active

Make an effort to exercise. Exercising while pregnant can be very difficult, but even a short stroll can improve blood circulation and alleviate evening leg cramps. Active ladies had a better night’s sleep than those who sit all day.

However, avoid exercising when it is too close to bedtime (two hours before), as exercise generates adrenaline, keeping you up all night and making it much more difficult to fall asleep.

4.      Try sleeping on your side

Sleeping on your side promotes blood circulation, which benefits both you and your baby. Good blood circulation ensures that your child receives the nutrition required to develop correctly.

In addition, sleeping on your side relieves pressure on your internal organs and lowers your chance of issues such as edema, hemorrhoids, and spider veins in your legs.

When sleeping on your side, you may make it even more comfortable by keeping your legs bent at the knees and placing a cushion between your legs to relieve strain on your lower spine.

5.      Keep your room cool and dark

The heat of your room may be preventing you from falling or staying asleep. Use a fan or air conditioner to cool your room, and wear light pajamas.

In addition, use blinds to keep the area dark and tranquil. To help you fall asleep faster, listen to soothing music or white noise.

A good rest is essential during pregnancy to help you remain healthy and ensure safe delivery. If you are unable to get a good night’s sleep, contact Suncoast Women’s Care to schedule an appointment for a diagnostic evaluation.

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