6 Ways to Deal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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6 Ways to Deal with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common and occurs due to irritation and compression of the nerves within the wrist. It can manifest through pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in your wrist or hand. The best way to diagnose the condition is through medical experts like the carpal tunnel syndrome North Austin specialists. The state can make it difficult to carry on with your daily activities and limit the quality of your life. But there are many ways to handle the situation, especially after making an accurate diagnosis. Here is what you can do to cope with carpal tunnel syndrome.

1.      Protect Your Median Nerve

The carpal tunnel protects nerves, tendons, and blood vessels. The median nerve is more susceptible to injuries being the primary nerve that allows sensation and movement in your hand. Some activities like lifting heavyweight, flexing your wrist, punching solid objects, or sleeping with bent wrists can irritate or compress the median nerve causing complications. Also, ensure you wear your wristwatch, or bracelet loose, as tightening them can irritate your median nerve. Sometimes carpal tunnel syndrome is due to a combination of factors and not a single cause. Therefore, you have to play it safe with your median nerve.

2.      Stretch Your Wrist

It is essential to regularly stretch your wrist to minimize the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. It creates more space for your median nerve when the surrounding ligaments are stretched. But you have to do it right. Trying both wrists simultaneously is best, especially with a prayer pose. You put your palms together in front of your chest and lift your elbows until both wrists have stretched. Hold when you feel a stretch for about 30 seconds and repeat the exercise four times a day. Understand that wrist stretches can sometimes trigger more carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, but you should only stop when you experience pain.

3.      Shake Your Hands

When your hand feels achy or is falling asleep, a quick fix is giving it a good shake. Assume you are shaking water off your hands and do it for about fifteen seconds. This will boost blood circulation and flow to your median nerve, temporarily getting rid of your symptoms. Depending on the nature of your job, ensure you shake your hands often throughout the day.

4.      Support Your Wrist

Protecting your wrist when potentially aggravating activities like carrying groceries, typing, bowling, or driving is essential. To keep your wrist in a neutral position, you can consult your doctor on the best wrist support, such as wrist braces. When you are already experiencing v symptoms, it is necessary to wear wrist support for several weeks to find relief. Remember that wearing a wrist splint at night is essential, especially if you are pregnant, to minimize swelling.

5.      Change Your Sleeping Position

Some sleep postures can worsen carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, especially when you sleep tightly, clenching your fist or tucking your hands in your body. You can try sleeping on your back or side and placing your hands close to your body but in a neutral position. This promotes efficient blood flow and circulation in your wrist and median nerve. Also, remember that wearing wrist support at night helps deal with carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.

If you are experiencing pain, numbness, or weakness in your thumb, hand, or first three fingers, it could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Get in touch with the Republic Spine and Pain specialists to learn more about the condition. You can book your consultation appointment online or make a call.

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